google ads for solicitors

All You Need to Know About Google Ads for Solicitors

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads for solicitors provides businesses with an opportunity to reach potential customers when they search for related topics or products. As a solicitor, you’d use Google Ads to showcase your services and expertise to those who are interested in hiring legal assistance for their situation. With the right strategy, Google Ads can be an invaluable asset to your business and help you reach more people.

The Benefits of Using Google Ads for Solicitors

Using Google Ads as a solicitor has a variety of benefits. It can provide you with an effective way of advertising your services to target customers and reach a wider audience. You can also generate leads and track returns from your campaigns easily.

Furthermore, Google Ads gives you the ability to focus your campaigns on specific keywords and locations. This allows you to make sure your messages are seen by the most relevant people, thereby maximizing your return on investment.

Making the Most of Google Ads for Solicitors

An effective Google Ads strategy can help you grow your law practice quickly and efficiently. Creating powerful ad copy that speaks directly to your target audience and using the right keywords to ensure your ads are seen by the right people are essential elements of a successful Google Ads campaign. Additionally, tracking your progress and results can give invaluable insights into how to further optimize your campaigns and maximize your ROI.

Having a good understanding of how to use Google Ads as a solicitor can bring great rewards. The right strategy, together with diligent tracking, can help you reach more customers and increase the return on your investment.

Start With A Clear Goal

When you’re starting your Google Ads for solicitors campaign, it’s important to have a set goal in mind. What do you want to achieve with it? Do you want to increase leads and sales? Are you trying to build your brand? Having this clear plan makes it easier to measure the success of your Google Ads campaign. It will also shape the type of ads you create, the keywords you target, and the budget you set.

Google Ads is a great tool for solicitors, as it can help you reach potential customers more efficiently than traditional methods. It provides data-driven insights that you can use to refine and improve your campaigns over time. And if you get it right, Google Ads can generate more leads and make your business more profitable.

To get started, take some time to think about what your goal for the campaign is. Once you have an idea of what you want to achieve, you can work towards it by researching relevant keywords, setting a budget, creating effective ads and tracking the performance of your campaign.

Setting Up a Campaign

Creating a successful Google Ads campaign for solicitors can seem overwhelming. It’s important to take the time to get it right and make sure your campaign focuses on the right keywords and objectives. We’ll start by taking you through each step of setting up a Google Ads campaign, using a case study as an example.

Keyword Research

The first step is to do thorough keyword research. What terms and phrases do potential customers search when looking for solicitor services? It’s best to focus on broader keywords initially, such as “family law” or “employment solicitor”. Once you’ve identified the best keywords to use, you can be more specific, such as “child custody solicitor in London”.

Types of Campaigns

Once you’ve identified your desired keywords, you can begin setting up your campaigns. There are various types of campaigns to choose from depending on your objectives. You could choose a Search Network campaign if you want to display ads in Google search results. Or you could select a Display Network Campaign if you want your ads to appear on websites nationwide.

You may also want to select a Video Campaign if you want to advertise on YouTube or any other online video platform. This will help you reach a broad range of potential customers. Finally, you could set up a Shopping Campaign if you have an online store.

Case Study Example

Now let’s use a case study to demonstrate how to set up a Google Ads campaign. Let’s say we are creating a campaign for a family law firm in London. We have done our keyword research and have identified key terms such as, “divorce solicitors in London,” “child custody solicitor in London” and “marriage contract lawyer.”

We will choose a Search Network campaign and create a series of ads targeted towards our identified keywords. We will create three different ad groups and write persuasive copy for each one. Then, we will set up the budgeting, targeting and bidding strategies, as well as the advert scheduling. Finally, we will review our results, make adjustments and measure the success of the campaign.

By following this process, you can create a successful Google Ads campaign that reaches the right people with the right message. With the right strategy in place, you can drive more traffic and leads for your solicitor business.

Writing Persuasive Ad Copy

Writing compelling ad copy is an essential part of creating successful Google Ads campaigns for solicitors. It’s important to use concise, powerful language that communicates your message clearly and grabs the reader’s attention. You want your potential clients to click on your ad so they can learn more about what you offer.

Your ad title should be short, simple and clear, while the body of the ad should provide more details and explain the benefits of your services. Focus on how you can help your clients solve their problems and make sure you include a call-to-action. Think about what words will trigger an immediate response from your audience and use them strategically.

Creating Beautiful Ads

Just as important as your ad copy is the look and feel of your ad. Fortunately, Google Ads provides a range of templates you can use to create professionally designed ads in minutes. Take advantage of this by experimenting with different layouts and designs to find the one that resonates best with your target audience.

Make sure to include a relevant image or video – these have been proven to increase engagement. Remember to check the quality of the images you choose and ensure they fit the theme and aesthetic of your ad.

Selecting the Right Landing Page

The landing page you choose for your ad is just as important as the ad itself. You want a page that aligns well with the message in your ad and encourages visitors to take the desired action. If you’re advertising a free consultation, then make sure the page visitors are directed to provides information on that.

Your landing page should be fast, easy to navigate, and provide further information on your services. Include a contact form and plenty of visual cues to direct visitors towards the call-to-action. Make sure any links you include in the ad point to the right page and the page is mobile-friendly.

Measuring Your Results

When you launch a Google Ads campaign, it’s important to have a plan to measure your results. Tracking and analyzing data will allow you to see how successful your campaign is and how you can improve it going forward.

Start by setting clear goals for your campaign. This lets you know when you’re succeeding and gives you something to measure against. By having a goal in mind before you start, you’ll be able to judge whether or not your campaign is successful or needs improvement.

Google Ads provides you with a range of metrics that you can use to measure your campaign’s performance. You’ll want to track metrics like clicks, impressions, and conversion rate — these all provide insight into how people are interacting with your ad. It’s also important to track your cost per click (CPC) and return on investment (ROI) to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your ad budget.

Work out which metrics are the most important for your business and use those as the main focus of your tracking and analysis. You can use Google Analytics to get detailed insights into how people are engaging with your site as well as to compare campaigns against each other.

It’s important to remember that it may take some time for your campaign to reach its full potential. With tracking, patience and tweaks to your strategy, you should be able to gradually achieve the goals you set for your campaign.

Best Practices

Getting the most out of your Google Ads campaign requires more than just basics, so here are some best practices to take your account to the next level.

Mobile Experiences

Over 50% of all searches are now conducted on mobile devices. It is therefore important to ensure that your campaigns are formatted for high-quality mobile experiences. Utilizing device bidding and adjusting text size, image quality and layout can help boost engagement and conversions.


Remarketing ensures that users who have previously interacted with your business will regularly be exposed to your ads. It is a powerful tool that can increase brand engagement and conversions. Utilizing demographic data targeting can also help you reach potential customers more quickly.

Ad Scheduling

Adjusting when and where you display your ads can help you get the maximum impact from your budget. You can target ads to particular time slots or days of the week, and also select which geographic locations you would like to target. This way, you can focus on the audiences that are most likely to engage with your message.

Audience Insights

Analyzing the performance of your campaigns can provide valuable insights into the interests and behaviors of your target audience. These insights can be used to create tailored campaigns that are more effective and relevant to your users.

Test & Optimize

Testing is an important part of any successful Google Ads for solicitors campaign. By running A/B tests and optimizing ad copy, images, and other elements, you can pinpoint which strategies work best for your particular goals. Don’t forget to also maintain a quality score, as this can help you maximize your results.

Advanced Strategies

Once you have a Google Ads campaign up and running, more experienced advertisers can take their campaigns to the next level, building on them with advanced strategies such as A/B testing and maintaining a quality score.

A/B testing (also known as split testing) allows for simultaneous testing of two or more versions of an advertisement. You create multiple versions of the same ad, then choose which aspects you want to test, such as the headline, body copy or display URL. You can then compare the results of each variation to determine which works best.

Maintaining a good quality score is also important. Quality scores determine how your ads appear in search result pages and influence your ad position and cost per click. They are based on factors such as the relevance of your keyword to your ad and the expected click-through rate of your ad. As such, it’s essential to keep track of quality scores and make adjustments as needed.

These advanced strategies can give you an edge over your competitors, increasing your visibility and helping you get the most out of your Google Ads campaigns.

Closing Your Google Ads Campaign for Solicitors

Once you have spent time creating, optimizing and monitoring your Google Ads campaign, it’s inevitable that you will eventually come to the end of a particular campaign. However, this doesn’t mean that the process of advertising is over. Closing a campaign properly can ensure continued success in your business.

Closing a campaign involves following two general steps: launching a campaign and ongoing optimization. Launching a campaign involves setting up an ad campaign and introducing it to potential customers. Ongoing optimization involves refining and improving the campaign as needed over time to make sure that it is meeting its objectives.

When closing a campaign there are a few points to consider:

  • Analyze the results of the ad campaign and adjust the budget accordingly
  • Determine which areas of the campaign were successful and which weren’t
  • Reflect on your KPIs and identify opportunities for further improvement
  • Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the campaign

Remember, a successful launch campaign is only the beginning. Ongoing optimization is important for continued success. Utilize data from each campaign to set goals for the next one. It’s also important to monitor your performance regularly and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that you are staying on track for achieving your desired outcomes.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your campaigns are optimized for long term success.

Conclusion: What You Should Take Away

Google Ads is an incredibly powerful tool for growing your business, especially for solicitors. With the right strategy, it can help you reach more potential clients and see substantial returns on your investment.

When setting up Google Ads for solicitors, it’s important to have a goal in mind, choose the right type of campaign, create persuasive ads and track the data. In addition, advanced strategies like A/B testing and optimizing for mobile experiences can make or break your campaign.

Finally, wrap up your campaign with a successful conclusion. Follow up with those who interacted with your ads, review the results and make any necessary adjustments before starting a new campaign.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to create an effective Google Ads campaigns for solicitors. Good luck!


Welcome to the Q&A section of our guide. Here, we will go over the main points and answer any common questions you may have about using Google Ads for solicitors.

Let’s start with a quick recap. Using Google Ads to promote your services as a solicitor can be an effective way to reach new customers and increase your business. It’s important to set up a campaign that is tailored to your specific goals, create persuasive ads, track and measure your results, and make use of advanced strategies to maximize your campaign’s success.

Now, let’s answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

  • How much does it cost to use Google Ads?
  • What types of campaigns should I use?
  • How do I optimize for mobile experiences?
  • How much time does a Google Ads campaign take?
  • What’s the best way to write ad copy?

The cost of using Google Ads depends on the type of campaign you choose, the keywords you target and the amount of competition for those keywords. Generally speaking, it’s best to start with smaller budgets and gradually increase as you get more familiar with the platform.

The type of campaign you should use depends on the goals of your advertising. You can choose from Search Ads, Display Ads, Video Ads and Remarketing Ads – all of which may be suitable for solicitors.

Optimizing for mobile experiences is key to a successful campaign. Make sure your landing page has a mobile-friendly design and that your ads are tailored to mobile users. You can also experiment with features like click-to-call buttons.

Overall, a Google Ads campaign takes time to plan, set up and optimize – so expect it to take a few weeks. A good rule of thumb is to devote 30 minutes per week to set up and monitor your campaigns.

To create persuasive ad copy, identify the needs and interests of your target audience and write ads that appeal to them. Use concise language, make sure your ad stands out from the competition and consider using call-to-action phrases.

We hope this Q&A has answered any remaining questions you may have about Google Ads for solicitors. Remember, the most important thing is to have a clear goal in mind and focus on building an effective campaign. Good luck!

References & Resources

One of the most important things you can do when running a Google Ads for Solicitors campaign is to access helpful resources and references. References allow you to easily view information about different topics, get product support, and stay up to date on industry trends. Fortunately, there are a lot of great places to find reference material.

  • Google Ads Help Center: This is an excellent resource for finding answers to your questions and understanding product features. It also provides tips on best practices and link to case studies.
  • Solicitors Regulatory Authority: The SRA provides guidance and regulation on the practice of law in the UK. They have a great selection of resources and tools designed to help solicitors.
  • PPC Hero: PPC Hero has a ton of blogs, case studies and webinars to help you with your Google Ads campaigns.
  • Google Adwords Community Forum: This forum is a great place to ask questions and get answers from experienced users.
  • Social Media Platforms: Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn all have great communities full of experienced users that you can reach out to for help.

By staying informed and leveraging these helpful resources, you can have an effective Google Ads strategy in no time!

Editing & Proofreading

When it comes to creating a great guide, the last step should always be editing and proofreading your work. This is an important step for ensuring the accuracy, coherence, and overall quality of your content. Careful editing and proofreading will ensure that your guide does not contain any typos or factual errors, and that it is free from unclear statements or phrases that may confuse the reader.

Some tips for editing and proofreading include carefully scanning your guide for spelling and grammar mistakes, reading aloud to make sure your text sounds correct, and asking another person to review your work. This can help you catch errors that may have otherwise been overlooked. Additionally, you should give your guide a thorough proofread before publishing it. This is the best way to ensure that all the information you’ve included is correct and up-to-date.

Overall, editing and proofreading are key steps in ensuring that your guide is accurate, concise and easy to read. By taking the time to double check your guide, you can guarantee that your readers will have a positive experience and come away with the information they need.

FAQs about Google Ads for Solicitors

  • Q: What is Google Ads?
    A: Google Ads are online adverts that businesses can create through Google, to appear in search engine results and other Google-owned sites, such as YouTube.
  • Q: Why do solicitors need to use Google Ads?
    A: Google Ads can be a great way for solicitors to reach out to more potential clients in their local area. Ads can be tailored to specific keywords and audiences, and businesses can track the performance of their campaigns against key metrics to measure success.
  • Q: What should be the goal behind setting up a Google Ads for solicitors campaign?
    A: Before launching a new campaign, it’s important for businesses to define their goals. These could include gaining new clients, improving brand visibility, enhancing website traffic and increasing conversion rates.
  • Q: How can I write persuasive ad copy?
    A: When creating an ad, it’s important to keep the message clear and concise. Use persuasive language such as “Get your free consultation now” and “Schedule an appointment today”. Include a call to action and focus on the benefits of the service.
  • Q: What should I include in the landing page?
    A: The landing page should include the details of the product or service that was advertised, along with any related information. Include visuals, such as images and videos, to help engage users and convert them into customers.
  • Q: How do I track the performance of my campaigns?
    A: Use Google Analytics to track key metrics, such as clicks, impressions, cost per click, and conversions. Analyze this data over time to evaluate the performance of the campaign and make improvements where necessary.
  • Q: Are there any best practices I should follow?
    A: It’s important to always test different ads to determine what works best for your audience. Optimize for mobile experiences, as this is a key factor in driving conversions. Utilize remarketing and A/B testing to further refine the campaign.
  • Q: How can I wrap up a successful campaign?
    A: After launching a campaign, it’s important to monitor the performance and adjust based on the data. Set milestones and review progress against them. Make sure to thank customers for their feedback and choose an appropriate closing strategy.
  • Q: How can I follow up a successful campaign?
    A: Follow up by email or social media. Offer discounts or incentives to nurture leads and generate repeat customers. Track your lead sources and analyze the data from the overall campaign to understand what worked and what didn’t.

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