Tips & Tricks

Deleting Your Google Ads Account: What You Need to Know

There comes a time for many business owners when they must ask themselves whether or not deleting your Google Ads account is the way forward. This is a big decision, and it’s not one to be taken lightly. In this blog post, we will explore the consequences of deleting your Google…

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Prohibited ads across social and search platforms

There are certain types of content that are not allowed to be used in ads, and having this insight beforehand can save marketers valuable time when creating and uploading ads. Let’s take a look at the rules across social media, Google and YouTube. Facebook and Instagram Prohibited ad content on…

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Introduction of Google gallery ads

Google is introducing a new search ad format for mobile, which will enable advertisers to feature up to eight images in a gallery ad. What are gallery ads? Consisting of four to eight images in a carousel that people can swipe through, gallery ads also include a 70-character description and…

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Google Ads’ ad extension test allows advertisers to capture leads

To help advertisers capture leads from their text ad campaigns, Google is beta testing a new ad extension. This new lead form extension will enable searchers to request information from Google search ads. How does the new extension work? To create the lead form extension you simply need to: Click…

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bid adjustments google ads

Mastering Bid Adjustments Google Ads: Your Ultimate Guide

In the world of digital marketing, ensuring your ads reach the right audience is a key success factor. This is where Google Ads bid adjustments come into the picture. But what are they exactly? And how can they help you optimize your ad campaign? Put simply, bid adjustments in Google…

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lead generation for lawyers

Lead Generation For Lawyers: Your Free EBook Guide

When it comes to lead generation for lawyers, our agency has a wealth of experience. But aside from our conventional PPC, Google Ads-based approach, what have we picked up over 15 years of working primarily with solicitors and law firms for their search marketing? Measured Marketing’s proprietor and marketing team…

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