lead generation for lawyers

Lead Generation For Lawyers: Your Free EBook Guide

When it comes to lead generation for lawyers, our agency has a wealth of experience. But aside from our conventional PPC, Google Ads-based approach, what have we picked up over 15 years of working primarily with solicitors and law firms for their search marketing?

Measured Marketing’s proprietor and marketing team lead, Mike Hayden, has decided to write a free EBook codifying some of the tips and tricks of the trade that will stay timeless even as PPC ads and Google themselves change around us. 

Lawyers: Convert More Website Visitors into Enquiries is a comprehensive short read that covers every aspect of site design and copywriting for lawyers that want to get a head start on overhauling their digital presence.

See an extract from the book below! You can download it for FREE here.

Generating Leads For Lawyers: A Book Extract

“People buy professional services from professionals, which means other human beings (At least until Artificial Intelligence takes over!). They don’t buy a professional service from a logo, brand or even a firm.

The skills, abilities, availability and reliability of that particular individual professional that will actually be doing the work will make the biggest difference to the quality of the service provided. That is how all services work.

In your website visitor’s mind will be the question “Where is my professional?” The answer should be in the form of a profile picture with a name and contact details prominently displayed on your website.

The pages will also be more effective if it is written from the perspective of that professional. It will help build a lot of trust and rapport.

If your page says for example “Solicitor Jones helps people who need immigration advice” that isn’t really a professional speaking to the reader. This makes it much easier for me to say no to “Solicitor Jones”. If the page says “I” can help “you” with “your situation” then that makes it a lot harder to say no. Solicitor Jones is talking to “you” directly. Especially if Solicitor Jones has a profile picture in the corner of the page smiling at you.

As we have mentioned previously visitors aren’t that interested in the name of the firm or the professional to start with. So using “I” instead of the name of the firm / solicitor also makes your pages easier to read as well as being more effective at converting.”

— Mike Hayden

Lead Generation For Lawyers: The TL;DR Version

Many people think of lawyers as stiff and unapproachable professionals. They try to course correct with informal language, weaker sentences and dumbed down rhetoric. Whilst it’s true that people are looking for a reason to go with your law firm, they aren’t going to be convinced by you talking down to them!

The best thing a lawyer can do for their website is to instead cultivate an aura of professionalism that is simultaneously approachable. You can do this by obeying the basic rules of good website copy:

Less Is More

Get straight to the point! Tell clients exactly what they’re getting with you. You want bold, structured lists that point directly to why it should be you they pick to champion you in court. No win, no fee? Fifteen years of experience? Don’t be humble! 

Establish your experience, tell them directly what YOU can do for THEM.

Direct Address

Talk TO the prospective client. In many ways, your website IS your sales pitch, so the copy on the site should act like it. More ‘I’m a solicitor dedicated to helping you with your motoring accident’ and less ‘Mike Banks is an automotive solicitor’. 

People don’t know firm names, and they aren’t getting the firm – they’re getting you!

The Person, Not The Firm

Personalise your page and don’t be afraid to put yourself front and centre. Firms may be reputable in the gazettes and the legal community, but the average person doesn’t know their Mays-Fairbank from their Routledge and Partners. Even just a picture of you smiling off in the corner can turn a lead around.

An immediate relationship with the reader makes them far more likely to convert.

Why Work On My Site?

This is the question we always get. ‘You’re the lead generation company for lawyers -you should be generating leads!’

No matter how good our lead generation is, that’s all it is. Generated leads. Someone clicking on a Google ad has just cost you money, and now they’re on your page. The next step to making that money back and profiting is converting them.

That’s almost entirely in your hands. The tone your initial page sets is the difference between wasted money on a marketing campaign and a genuinely valuable investment.

We call the page that people who click on ads end up on the ‘landing page’, and there are plenty of ways to optimise these – they’re as critical to the PPC industry as the ads themselves!

That’s why we also offer our own landing page design services with our PPC packages, so we can be sure that we aren’t just spending your money and generating clicks that bounce off your site.

With the simple, actionable advice in Mike’s book, you can get ahead of your competition and learn everything we know about lead generation for lawyers.

Click here to download the EBook for free!

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